Let's Be in Touch

Where Am I?
Out from Under the Covers: Let's Make Original Music Together!
Even great performers need good material, right? Well, here it is, and it's better than good. Whether you're a band* looking to add a songwriter, a singer eager for a song to kick off your career, or a hit act who wants to keep the hits coming, I can help satisfy your needs with music above the general cut.
Just contact me, using the form below.
General Contacts
​If you are a venue manager, a fan, a friend or just want to communicate, please use the following form:
*On the Band Thing

& Rita

8858 S. Desert
Valley Way
On the Idea
of a Band
To get up and running, I expect to play solo gigs initially, but in order to help my music reach its potential, I am ultimately seeking a band. If you are an established band, interested in featuring my music (even if not exclusively) or a musician open to starting a band based upon my work, please contact me using the form above. The ideal new band, as I see it, would be a group of 4-5 people, each playing multiple roles:
lead vocalist, male or female, who also plays an instrument, plus backup/harmony vocalists from among the rest of the group
lead electric guitar and/or keyboard
bass guitar
drum kit
acoustic/electric guitar (me)
I play acoustic guitar primarily but can play electric and some mandolin. I have a distinctive style, as can be heard in the cuts here, but I am versatile enough to play according to need. Though I can play leads, I would prefer not to be the lead guitarist, Nor am I after a lead singing role. I can sing, of course, but want a singer more talented than I to perform my songs.
To order physical CDs, please write to me, using snail mail, at the following address:
Michael Scherf
8858 S. Desert Valley Way
Tucson, Arizona 85747
Include your name, the desired purchase, the address to which you would like it sent (e.g., that of a friend) and any special instructions (e.g., a message on a gift card). Include a check made out to me in the amount of $10,00 for each CD requested (this will also cover shipping and handling costs). And I will promptly send out your CD(s), packaged in shrink wrap!
To Order CDs for Yourself or as Gifts